by Fiona Ross | Sep 25, 2022 | News
I had drafted a post a few days ago, but events are changing so rapidly in the UK and Europe, it’s out of date before I put it up. Anyway, you can’t stay here, nor can I. Like sharks, we have to keep moving or we die, so how am I keeping alive, in writing...
by Fiona Ross | Mar 15, 2022 | Articles, My Fiction, News
I’m having to work through issues in this post so if you want to skip it and fast-track to the escapism, here’s the link. Spring Fantasy Feast What’s done is done and the world will not return to normal. Ever. The best thing we can do for our own...
by Fiona Ross | Feb 20, 2022 | Articles, My Fiction, News
World War Three, Pandemic, Climate Change, Overpopulation, Famine? Take your pick of the horror stories. We often feel powerless in the face of such overwhelming disasters, but at the very least we can inform our leaders politely but firmly of our views, and plead for...
by Fiona Ross | Jan 25, 2022 | My Fiction, News
It’s a challenge to focus on plans and dreams when the powerful men of the world are itching to destroy it, but we are where we are, as they say. Mediocre prevails and some of them are jealous of individuals with more imagination and creativity. The sentiment...
by Fiona Ross | Dec 5, 2021 | Articles, My Fiction, News
Let’s talk about 2022. I’ve got a lot happening next year. I’m planning an updated version of my dystopian futuristic YA, Far Out. The rewrite is nearly finished. Next is my Paranormal Romance, Twin Flames, then Book 2 of my Dark Forest Dryad urban...
by Fiona Ross | Aug 2, 2021 | My Fiction, News
What’s everybody doing? Is your holiday reading different or do you stay with your genres but stack up the titles? The virus rules, spreading confusion with it. UK and world media chatter about post-pandemic but nobody really knows what that’s going to...
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