Four Stars for Far Out

Big Al’s Books & Pals Top indie review site, Big Al’s Books & Pals, awarded four stars for Far Out. You can imagine how Saffron feels about that, probably the same as I do. Far Out is a YA fantasy about 17 year-old Saffron, whose ambition is to...
Need Space White Space

Need Space White Space

Tempus Fugit and All That Is it really seven months since I blogged? A lotta white space. Whoops. The Internet sucks time like a black hole sucks matter. Do I spend so much of my life elsewhere…online? So many interesting hang-outs these days. For movie people,...
Fighting Yer Demons

Fighting Yer Demons

On the nose? They’ll punch yer lights out If you are so unsubtle as to mention fighting yer demons, or his, or hers, or theirs. Screenwriters, don’t, please. Not unless you are strictly within a supernatural, vampire or fantasy genre, and safely enclosed...


‘What you got Marsha?’ ‘Someone sent me a card. It’s mine. Get off.’ ‘Who’s it from?’ ‘Get off! Hey!’ ‘It’s blank.’ ‘It’s a Valentine, dummy.’ ‘You gotta boyfriend...


Two writer friends discuss the difficulties of getting published. “You need a good beginning.” “How about, It was a dark and stormy night?” “No! Cliché! Cliché! Cliché!” “You talk about clichés with those exclamation marks?...