Let’s talk about 2022. I’ve got a lot happening next year. I’m planning an updated version of my dystopian futuristic YA, Far Out. The rewrite is nearly finished. Next is my Paranormal Romance, Twin Flames, then Book 2 of my Dark Forest Dryad urban fantasy series, Regeneration. It’s gonna be darker than Book 1, so hold tight.

But we haven’t had Christmas, yet. I know, I know, but we writers have to keep our skates on and plan ahead, otherwise next year will fly by like this one has. Why does this writer feel like changing direction?

Changing Direction

So, onto next year. I know I keep banging on about this, but 2021 saw me take a major change of direction with this blog from writing about writing and craft aimed at the writing community. I dabbled in writing different genres. However, my real passion lies in applying those skills to my creative work, and I’ve spent 2021 doing that. I’ve published two books and have another two in progress. I continue to write screenplays.

Reaching Readers

I have four fiction books out. This year was mainly about finding my genres. Up until now I’ve been writing in four and I predict I will settle on Paranormal Romance, Supernatural Action Adventure , fun fantasy (with a point to make) and Urban Fantasy. The Urban Fantasy often turns dark, because… well, life. So now I need to find my readers. Is it you?

Two fab reviews this month: Dark Mark Writing reviews TOMB OF THE RUBY HEART and Diabolic Shrimp reviews DARK FOREST DRYAD: DESTRUCTION, here. Thanks guys, much appreciated.

Two-way Traffic

You can follow me on Facebook, LinkedIn and Goodreads, and my Amazon author page.

For advance info on new releases, promo prices and free stuff, sign up for my monthly newsletter. I’m just starting my email list and when we hit the first target, we’ll celebrate with a short & sweet newsletter and a freebie. It’s a new version of a short story (ghost), unpublished, just for you members of my readers’ club.  

Do tell me what you like to read and what books/characters you want me to write more of. I love to hear from you.

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It’s an actual poster. Tag line: To uncover secrets, you have to dig deep.

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What will 2022 bring?

From me? Here’s the lowdown.

FAR OUT – Dystopian, Futuristic YA adventure, new edition.

TWIN FLAMES – Paranormal Romance


That’s me fully committed for the first half of the year, and there’s a screenplay in there too. The second half of 2022? Well, it partly depends on what’s popular with you. There will definitely be Book 3 of Dark Forest Dryad.

Suddenly it’s December

The fashion is for series these days. We haven’t discussed this in detail and I think I need to be further down the road with you readers before we settle on what you’d like as a series. 2020 really dragged but 2021 went so quickly; suddenly it’s December. There aren’t enough hours in the day when you write. In case I don’t post before Jesus’ birthday, have a very happy Christmas and hold your loved ones close.

All my books are available on Amazon in Kindle, KindleUnlimited and paperback formats.

Reminder: Wanna hear about my new releases, promos and freebies? Sign up for my monthly newsletter here.

Picture credit: The world’s most famous hairpin bend in Monte Carlo, courtesy of picjumbo.com