Bad Hair, Good Day
A Mini Bio
Born and educated in the UK, I worked in Film, the Music Industry and TV during my early career, and later as an entrepreneur. I have two first degrees, a BSc in Technology (Open University 2001) and a BSc Information Technology (University of Reading 2010). I went on an adventure to live in Spain and I taught English to Spanish students. Writing has always been a part of it.
Fiona Faith Ross writer, screenwriter and web content writer.
Getting in touch
I’d like to put an email address on here, but if I do it, I get too much spam (despite paying for filters). Contact me through Facebook, IMDBPro LinkedIn or ScriptRevolution.
Updated: February 2022
Contact: Due to the amount of spam, I’ve removed the contact form from this site as of 4th February 2024. You can contact me on ScriptRevolution, Facebook and LinkedIn.
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