You Can’t Stay Here

You Can’t Stay Here

I had drafted a post a few days ago, but events are changing so rapidly in the UK and Europe, it’s out of date before I put it up. Anyway, you can’t stay here, nor can I. Like sharks, we have to keep moving or we die, so how am I keeping alive, in writing...
Changing Direction

Changing Direction

Let’s talk about 2022. I’ve got a lot happening next year. I’m planning an updated version of my dystopian futuristic YA, Far Out. The rewrite is nearly finished. Next is my Paranormal Romance, Twin Flames, then Book 2 of my Dark Forest Dryad urban...
Fictional Assortment

Fictional Assortment

What’s everybody doing? Is your holiday reading different or do you stay with your genres but stack up the titles? The virus rules, spreading confusion with it. UK and world media chatter about post-pandemic but nobody really knows what that’s going to...

Flat Squirrel Book

It’s out! FLAT SQUIRREL My new book for middle graders, and for grown-ups who never grew up. I had a lot of fun writing it, although there were the tough bits of nailing the story logic and making the prose readable. You’ll find it in the Troubador...