by Fiona Ross | Aug 2, 2021 | My Fiction, News
What’s everybody doing? Is your holiday reading different or do you stay with your genres but stack up the titles? The virus rules, spreading confusion with it. UK and world media chatter about post-pandemic but nobody really knows what that’s going to...
by admin | Jun 17, 2018 | News
It’s out! FLAT SQUIRREL My new book for middle graders, and for grown-ups who never grew up. I had a lot of fun writing it, although there were the tough bits of nailing the story logic and making the prose readable. You’ll find it in the Troubador...
by Fiona Ross | Jul 7, 2017 | Whimsy
Here in Blighty We’re not used to these tropical temperatures. They make our sang froid simmer, and we sizzle like spit-roasted lizards. Must be a bit like that where you are, right? But there you are, stuck in your sweaty swivel chair, rockin’ the ole...
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