Fictional Assortment

Fictional Assortment

What’s everybody doing? Is your holiday reading different or do you stay with your genres but stack up the titles? The virus rules, spreading confusion with it. UK and world media chatter about post-pandemic but nobody really knows what that’s going to...
One Size Fits All

One Size Fits All

You’re trying to be original, but pivot on the idea of one size fits all. In other words, writing genre, but you still have to fail fast, fail often, and pivot, they say. Rinse and repeat until you find what readers like. Inspired by the early adopters of agile...
Ideas About Ideas

Ideas About Ideas

Do you believe in Carl Jung’s collective unconscious? To summarise, he believed we share a common inheritance of instincts, memories and archetypes. I think of it as a universally available lending library. It makes sense, but accepting that or not, where do you...
Cartography for Writers

Cartography for Writers

World building is a big thing for writers today. Readers and viewers like to escape to the familiar, fantasy or unknown worlds where our characters dwell. As we embark on designing our new world, we’re thinking landscape and orientation, key features and...
The Small Stuff

The Small Stuff

Full of Angst Don’t sweat it, unless you’re a writer, then the small stuff becomes the devil in the detail. I’ll explain later, first I want to talk about stress. Writers are plagued by doubt and angst. Find me one who isn’t. Writers’ insecurity is magnified by our...