Popular Genre Fiction Trends in 2024

Popular Genre Fiction Trends in 2024

Genre Fiction is a landscape populated with many different species, including subspecies. Authors and publishers need to know the layout because their livelihood depends on it. For genre and subgenre read “readers’ tastes” and for Genre Fiction read...
Writers v. Readers. Is it War?

Writers v. Readers. Is it War?

Words will never hurt me Cut it with the bad reviews! How to respond to negative reviews for fiction writers and readers? We’ve all heard the saying, “Sticks and stones may break my bones, but words will never hurt me.” Well, tell that to authors who...
Recent Reads I Couldn’t Put Down

Recent Reads I Couldn’t Put Down

So many books, so little time. You can’t possibly get through them all, and everyone’s taste is different, so what your friend likes you might not. There are books, there are enjoyable reads, and the ones you couldn’t put down. Here are ones I simply...
Bucket List

Bucket List

If you’re a writer, it helps to dream; the best ideas can come from travels in our imaginations. Night or daydreams? A good way to go about it, is to start a bucket list. You’re never too young to begin; you give yourself more time to plan it. I’ve...