Truth is stranger than fiction? In the magical world of movies, fiction is fighting back.

Pride and Prejudice and Zombies, for heaven’s sake

I was reminded of the idea of movie mash ups by the announcement of Pride and Prejudice and Zombies, the latest manifestation of walking dead coming to you on the big screen soon. It’s getting a mixed response from the critics, but there’s clearly an audience for it and it’s box office receipts that count. No, I didn’t know the movie was based on a book by Seth Grahame-Smith which made the 2009 New Yorker  Bestseller List. That’s me named and shamed. The Austen zombies shall live on through their movie. Well hats off to S G-S for originality and a smash hit. I’ll go and see it – find out what all the fuss is about. I know the book practically off by heart as most of us do, so it should be interesting.

What’s new in movie mash ups?

They’ve been around for a while, but I dunno, I sense a kind of tectonic shift towards this kind of weird genre pairing. Could be we’ll get some mind-blowing emergent properties. Or not. We’ve been discussing them on Stage32 and I’ve heard concepts I never thought I’d hear in my lifetime, such as Jesus Christ: Vampire Hunter. Check the link. You see? Expect to see more of this sort of thing.

Bring it on

Well, if they can do it, so can we. Here are my movie mash up concepts.

Dr. Doolittlelander – Dr. Doolittlelander disrupts the hallowed halls of haute couture with his Farmyard Fashion range for animals.

Madame Bo-vine-ary – She’s a classic beauty but she’s a cow to live with.

Bird Flu Man – A chicken farmer superhero battles Big Pharma in a fight to the death when he invents a miracle vaccine that immunizes factory farmed animals against all diseases forever.

Let’s have yours. Comment box below.